

Joining COCA

For over 35 years, COCA has been enhancing student life on campuses across the country. Join today and connect with an incredible community of industry experts, students, and associate members. Below is a breakdown of all the opportunities and benefits your organization will have access to upon joining!

We Support

  • Campus Organizations (for example, Student Associations and Student Unions, or College and University Departments and Offices) that organize campus events, book live entertainment, run leadership programs, oversee campus clubs, and conduct marketing & communication campaigns on behalf of their student bodies.
  • Associate Organizations that are agents, artists and companies that sell products and services to the Canadian campus activities industry.

COCA Member Benefits

At the heart of your membership you will have the following member benefits:

  • Education lies at the heart of how we serve members. One of these tools include Roundtables held throughout the year!
  • Our conference tradeshow is an amazing way to for schools, artists and the companies supporting schools to connect.
  • Entertainment showcases at our Student Life Summit enable school members to sample possible acts in a fun, live environment.
  • Leadership opportunities enable school and associate members to become more engaged with COCA and this industry. 
  • Networking amongst members is one of the most enjoyable aspects of your COCA membership.
  • Our member directory is a powerful tool for both our school and associate members. The members-only version provides detailed information all members.


A Spotlight on the Annual National Conference

The highlight of every year is the National Conferecne in June when campus delegates gather to learn from more than 30 education sessions in various formats including lecture, seminar, round table discussions, workshops, leadership & professional development sessions, panel discussions, and educational keynote speakers. All of these are offered on a variety of topics centered on Event Programming, Marketing and Communications, Clubs and Student Groups, and Management and Staff Development. 

Delegates whose portfolios include programming events on their campuses are encouraged to attend the Summit’s showcases featuring music, comedy, lecturers, and variety artists. The Summit also features a trade show known as the Campus Activities Business Hall where campus buyers can shop and meet with suppliers one-on-one. Meet the agents and acts you saw at showcases, find the swag and promo items you’ll be handing out, and discover many other business opportunities!